Did you know that it is perfectly OK for a non-resident of Dubai to open a business? Yes, a non-UAE national can even start a business in Dubai too. The total population of the emirate is more than 80% foreign, with most of those having their own businesses. Dubai actively welcomes business owners and investors from foreign countries.
There are actually several ways to start a business in Dubai. Two of the most popular avenues are purchasing commercial property in Dubai or setting up a new company. Both have their pros and cons but acquiring dubaisht approval to open a business in Dubai is easier than having one in another country. Dubai’s local environment makes obtaining a Dubai trade license a relatively quick and easy process.
As a first step in obtaining a Dubai trade license, you need to file for an application to the Dubai Economic Court. This is needed as part of the process of establishing and running a legal business in Dubai. Once the court has granted you the license, you are then free to begin trading activities.
A Dubai business setup comes with its share of benefits as well as pitfalls. However, if you are willing to work hard and follow the rules, you will find success. Just like any other business, you must make sure that you get the right licenses and follow the stipulated regulations. In Dubai, you must apply for a trading license before you can trade. If you are running a retail establishment, you have to apply for a business license. If you are just starting your own catering service, you need to apply for a catering permit.
Getting a Dubai business permit is easier than most people think. All you need to do is fill up the application with the necessary documents and submit them to the relevant authorities. Remember, if you want to operate a hotel, you need to acquire a hotel trading license instead of a general trading license. The latter is more likely to be denied because it is considered as a privilege that is given to business establishments in Dubai only. The hotel trading license is more profitable and will be easier to obtain.
businessThe process of getting a Dubai shear trade license usually takes one year from the date of submission of the application. It requires a lot of research and planning on the part of the applicant. Dubai business can only be granted once the applicant receives the initial approval from the relevant authorities. He/she must also make sure that all the necessary requirements are met before submitting the necessary paperwork. These include a complete and accurate application form, a written business plan that is dedicated to carrying out the business, and the latest three (3) proof proofs of income.
When one has obtained the necessary documents, the next step in the process of obtaining a foreign investor in Dubai is to approach a UAE trading advisor. The advisor will help you in obtaining the necessary licenses and help you find out more about the laws of the emirate relating to foreign trade. They can also assist you in obtaining the necessary permits when you approach any individual or organization that may be interested in purchasing or investing in your company. You can receive financial advice from these advisors and can also get valuable tips on marketing and financing your business.
There are a number of ways to go about getting a trade license in Dubai. You can choose to contact a UAE company formation agent who will help you get registered and get your business registered in the city. These agents can be found in any number of places in Dubai and are easy to find. Alternatively, there are many Dubai company formation companies in Dubai that can offer you expert advice and assistance in obtaining the trade license you need. However, if you prefer to handle the entire process by yourself, then you will need to find a local UAE company formation agent who can help you get your trade license.