Reaching out in the best way possible!

3 min readFeb 24, 2021


Marketing through the ages

A decade or so ago, we would find advertisements for things that we needed in the newspaper, or on pamphlets that would find their way to our homes. Everything ranging from household goods, grocery stores, clothes or electronics, and other services could be found on these pamphlets or in the advertising section of the newspapers. In addition to this, we could listen to adverts on the radio, or spot some posters when we were out and about. There wasn’t really any other way that we could find out about new businesses that were in town, or anything else. With the advent of television, advertisements got much more frequent because they could be aired on TV, and they subsequently got much more complex as well. However, what really revolutionized the way that businesses marketed themselves was the advent of mobile phones and the internet. The use of phones and the internet meant that no matter where our target audience was, they could be bombarded with advertisements at any time.

How marketing has changed with the years.

Nowadays, whenever we need anything all we have to do is do a quick search online and we can either find stores that are near us or we can even order online! We can find out and everything about any company in just a few minutes as we browse through the internet. From going through the catalog to finding out customer reviews online, we can do it all! Of course, this all gives immense buying power in the hands of the consumer, as they have the option to pick and choose from thousands of brands without ever moving away from the comfort of their homes. However, it does make things quite tricky for businesses. Businesses nowadays have to try extra hard to make sure that they can be seen amongst thousands of other similar brands. Even if our ideas are unique, it is the way that we market ourselves that ensures whether or not our business can thrive, and so we need to opt for SMS marketing.

The potentials of SMS marketing.

When we send SMS to mobile, we can make sure that we will be the first to catch the customer’s eye. No matter where we go, or what we are doing, we are sure to always have our phones with us. With a simple message that details the services we offer, where we are located and how customers can get in touch with us, we can advertise ourselves in no time. This one message can be sent by the marketing agency to thousands of potential customers each minute, which can ensure that we give our brand the maximum amount of visibility that we can. Of course, while using SMS marketing we shouldn’t be neglecting other forms of marketing as well, but using this method of reaching out can mean that we get that extra boost in terms of traffic that we need so desperately in order to grow our business.




Written by James

I am a Professional Author, I write on Games, Travel, and Business, pets, marketing.

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