With the latest time frame apps, Huawei is leading all other models in the race of smartphone markets. These innovations are the need of the day and also valuable for your business matters. Most of the companies have their own apps and all kinds of functions are being handled through just a simple app. As we have mentioned that apps are of different kinds so you should know what your apps know. Pay attention to any permissions apps request as you install them and they can access all your data.
This is a business and we cannot get out of it so if an app asks to access your location, contact list, calendar or messages or to post to your social networking services, the only thing you have to do is consider if the app is really important for you. If you think that or have any second thought that information to function is not necessary, consider withholding permission or not using that app. We narrate many examples that honor view 20 price in KSA and in any other part of the world are quite amazing and attractive but we should not be pushed all the time in such matters.
Comparison of the two latest models is as follow:
Honor 20 Pro VS One plus 7 pro
· Both works on octal core
· Honor has an amazing larger display than One plus
· A big difference between internal storage as honor possess 250 GB and One plus has only 128 GB
· Again camera quality of Honor 20 pro is hell better than other models
· Honor has 8 GB Ram and 7 pro has 6 GB
Security features of Honor v 20
Internet access with online content is important on one side but it is really bad on the other side. You have no privacy if you have a google account in your latest phone. One of the most disastrous application is the sharing of location. We would suggest you share location mindfully and only when it is really needed. A growing number of apps allow friends to pinpoint each other’s physical location and this thing is also very problematic for security reasons. If you use such a service, do so only with friends you know in person. Don’t need to use such services before having some basic knowledge about the service’s privacy features.
With the latest mobile phone tools where you can do online shopping, you can do some good stuff as well. I am not saying that shopping is bad but I mean to say that you can do some really good stuff like having control over your children activities. There are basically two major types of parental controls and both are useful. Try to hide your Huawei 20 pro from your children that is impossible. The family rules or guidelines that vary from family to family can help you better in this context. You can establish some rules with your children, and the second is technology tools provided by cellphone companies, smartphone makers and app developers.